Thursday, March 10, 2005

Recommended reading for the budding psychotic

Being an avid reader, I tend to burn through books pretty fast. This is normally a good thing, but it can be troublesome when one runs out of book midway through a trip. You're often left with the pitiful options available in airport bookstores or paltry train station newstands. However, there are occasions when forays into these bleak domains can yield amazing results. Case in point: the writings of Tim Dorsey.

I found myself trapped in the Atlanta by weather and flight delays. I'd just polished off Pandemic by Daniel Kalla (good book picked up on the way to Florida; didn't expect to eat it all in two days) and was now desperately sans-literature. So with hope in my heart I wandered into the Airport Bookstop (or somesuch) and started cruising the meager aisles.

Mostly crap. Lots of "Nationwide #1 Best Seller!" books that prove yet again "the dumbest buy the mostest" (cheers, Mr. Biafra). I was, however, struck by the neon yellow cover of a book pleasantly entitled Florida Roadkill. The tasty irony of having just arrived from the Sunshine State was not lost on me. Not in the least. Hence me picking up the book. And what goodies were in store...

There is something very wrong with Tim Dorsey. And I mean this in the most complementary fashion. Florida Roadkill incorporates all of the seat-of-the-pants madness that I love about Hunter Thompson (R.I.P) and none of the self-indulgence that I can't stand about Hunter Thompson. Add to this a dash of Will Self-ish irreverence and Burroughs-esque dry humor and you're beginning to get the picture. I plowed through this book in about 3 hours. So much fun. I won't go into extreme plot detail, but the story involves several malignant characters and lots of goofy (yet more than slightly twisted) situations. If I had the book with me, I'd include an example. I have, however, moved on to the next of Dorsey's books, Hammerhead Ranch Motel, which involves several of the characters from Florida Roadkill. That is to say those characters who survived the first book.

Tarantino should read this guy. Really.

So I would recommend to everyone who is slightly wrong in the head that they go out and grab some of Dorsey's work. Lots of belly laughs, even if they do sometimes involve death by forced inhalation of Fix-A-Flat...

Today's eardrum rumblers:

The Sisters Of Mercy - Some Girls Wander By Mistake
(the early years; Eldritch's voice still sounds like a coalmine whilst growling, "Life is short and love is always over in the morning.")

Matera - Same Here
(Mick Harris and Mauro Teho Teardo swaying from downtempo to techstep)

abstract audio systems - gossamer
(my sweet side rears its ugly head)

Nudge - Elaborate Devices For Filtering Crisis
(gourmet jazz/glitch/alt fusion)

Frank Sinatra - In The Wee Small Hours
(I get along without you very well; at least that's how I like to see it)


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